Your Human Design Alignment Guide

Welcome to a journey where the wisdom of Human Design blends seamlessly with practicality and real-world application.

Allow me the privilege of guiding you in revealing and embracing the full potential of your Design, transforming the way you live, work, and engage with the world around you. Let's embark on this transformative journey together!

I am delighted to share with you my extensive experience in the field of Human Design, enriched further by specialized training at the prestigious BG5 Business Institute. My tenure as a member of the teaching faculty there has significantly expanded my knowledge and skills in this field.

This in-depth training has gifted me a deep understanding and set of innovative skills that enable me to provide insights and guidance in a way that's is completely customized to each individual and also uniquely advanced.

At the heart of BG5 is its focus on the practical elements of our existence, particularly in the realms of functionality, relationships and career and how you operate in cohesion and correct alignment with the world around you. This approach goes beyond the introspective journey typically associated with Human Design, offering you a more focused and applicable way to harness its principles. BG5 isn't merely about personal exploration; it's a tool for tangible, real-life transformation, giving you information about how you function best on a foundational level. It takes the guess work out of being you!

BG5 casts a spotlight on the personal and professional aspects of life, leveraging the principles of Human Design to elevate your relationships, alignment, career and financial journey. Imagine possessing a compass that not only points you towards success but also aligns perfectly with your inner being.

It is more than a system; it's your ally in forging a more rewarding, efficient, and prosperous life and career, all in harmony with your unique personal design. This journey is filled with discovery and growth, and I am here to support and guide you at every step. Together, let's explore how this tool can revolutionize your approach to your career and personal life.

In this work, the FUNDAMENTALS of your HUMAN DESIGN CHART will be broken down into easy to understand step by step explanations about HOW you function which you will use to move into your CORRECT ALIGNMENT.

You will be able to problem solve & strategize your key challenges as we look to the answers in the science of your design. You will see WHY you’ve been doing what you do as well as understand WHAT you’ve been doing that is INCORRECT for you.

The key FOUNDATIONAL aspects of your design will be revealed to you with depth and understanding as well as looking at the purpose and meaning in your life work experiences.

In this 120 minute session, we can delve deep into an intuitive reading of this information where we can review and address any questions you have regarding implementing and applying this information in your life at this present time & going forward.

This session is held over Zoom. You will receive a video recording of the session, a summary transcript of the session and your digital report to keep.


This 120-minute session will provide you with the foundational information to strip yourself back to basics, so that you can understand how you operate and what is correct for you in regards to:

How to recognise where you are most conditioned & acting as your NOT SELF

How you PROCESS information

How to choose the correct ENVIRONMENT to operate in

How to express your specific PURPOSE & LIFEWORK

How you are designed to FUNCTION

How to best EXPRESS yourself in the world

How to INTERACT with others in a CORRECT & aligned way


How to recognise the SIGNPOSTS that keep you on track

As a Human Design educator, I offer a bespoke service crafted to uplift and empower you personally and professionally.

My aim? To assist you in excelling in your relationships, roles & responsibilities, to enhance your alignment and fulfillment in daily life, maximize your potential for growth, and alleviate the inherent stress, pressure & dis-ease of incorrect experiences.

As your BG5 coach, I dive deeply into the nuances of your BG5 Bodygraph. My approach goes beyond mere interpretation; it's an advanced sharing of your chart, enriched by my comprehensive knowledge and skills. This means that the insights you receive are customized, intricate, and profoundly in tune with both your personal and professional life.

Furthermore, I craft specialized reports using the distinct terminology and sequencing of BG5. These reports are more than mere words; they are a testament to the powerful and transformative language of BG5, a practical application of Human Design principles for your daily life.